Supporting Peer Work
George Brown CollegeGeorge Brown College
Supporting Peer Work (SSHRC/NSERC) - Research Coordinator
"Supporting Peer Work Project" is a 3-year federally funded community-engaged research project that collaborates with Toronto community partners and is guided by a steering committee comprised of experts in the work of leading with lived and living experience. We are exploring the roles, conditions, experiences, labour practices, and realities workers identified by their lived experience are encountering. We are working within an anti-colonial, anti-racist, trauma-informed, and harm-reduction framework to hear from those doing front-line, community work and mobilize this knowledge to contribute to the conversation, and hopefully practices, about what is called peer work.
To access the full report, please click on the "Supporting Peer Work Project" link above
This is the official launch of Escaping the Maze – Findings and Strategies from the Supporting Peer Work (SPW) Research Project hosted by the National Safer Supply Community or Practice